
Fang Fengchen head again without saying a word.

He has a lot of repairs at a young age, but he is not proud all the way, although he is like a follower in front of Zhou Jia. But I don’t think highly of this’ Zhou Xiong’ in my heart. The other person may have more experience than himself and know some special means, […]

There’s nothing.

There is a dark void. Did this guy bring them to the edge of the exile era? It’s dark and empty here, so Zhuang is not far away from thinking about the back door Half of it is completely dark, and there seems to be nothing. Zhuang looked down at the old turtle not far […]


Four people went downstairs and walked in the rear. When the corpses were not gathered, they stayed away from the shopping mall. The brothers and sisters leaned against the wall and tried to breathe. "That was close!" "I didn’t expect to meet a red-eyed zombie. Thanks to Mr. Zhou." "This time it’s a bumper harvest. […]

This is a decent man in his fifties, wearing a wool suit, a female secret belt and a female driver, and an assistant manager of the company is also a woman.

It took Chen Yi a minute to understand that although the enemy had defected, the sugar-coated shells were still coming. Young people are vulnerable to the temptation of women. Wang Hao is also the last time to resist the beautiful female secretary, the beautiful female driver and the beautiful male manager. They all kept gathering […]

"The standby plan is being started"

"Up to 37 long-sequence observation, image level 37 fire up to 26 long-sequence observation, image level 26 fire!" "Give fire limit" "Too far away, the temporary method will automatically activate when it is close to the nearest kindling chip." …… I don’t know about this scene in the deep hall, but Xu retreat knows that […]

"I want to be with Muhua after I die."

Zhou Jia was indifferent. "There is no death in the market world" "No" Li flow rhyme sad smile. "I’m satisfied to die together …" "poof!" Her body trembled and a stream of blood gushed from her mouth. She fell to the ground slowly, and her hands still clung to Shan Muhua’s body. The cold wind […]

The Lord of the fragrant cave realized that he had just been influenced by his mind and was enchanted, so he couldn’t help secretly hating him. But at this time, where did she have time to think about it?

The figure is graceful and dancing, and a jade belt flies around the whole body, and soon the sky and the seal collide. The figure flew backwards for dozens of feet, and the owner of the fragrant cave was very embarrassed. His hair was disheveled and his forehead was sunken with a deep red seal. […]